Monday, November 26, 2007
{ 3:42 PM }
i find plane rides mildly interesting.
miss me :D
i'll be missing the entire kairos for 2 WHOLE WEEKS.
(because i'm going to hongkong a day after i come back from thailand)
but no worry, i'm going shopping with my girlfriends after i come back.
LIYING,JOYCE,JENISE,JACELYN. you guys plan where you guys want to go on the 13th and what time you guys are meeting;where after MT yeah? :D
i promise i won't forget your souvenirs when i'm back from HK either.
(hongzhang, you watch out. i'm going to make you guilty when i buy something for you. and girls, i'm nicer than hongzhang because i'll definitely remember to buy you guys something. rahr)
quote from nicholas wong "whats GAY PACK/GAY DAY?"
i'm off to do my sock puppets.
cute-ness :D
and yet again, miss me(:
Saturday, November 24, 2007
{ 10:57 AM }
i shall not make amendments to my previous post plainly because i'm too lazy to click here click there and wait so long for the page to load.
hmms, okay, jenise told yurun not to think of me.
(THAT was what i was supposed to edit)
okay, i like men now. (hongzhang can say that well)
and i'm not an
OLD auntie.
ohwait, either way its still auntie.
goodness. its just the role in the skittttttt.
i just look mature :D:D
okay, enough about me talking rubbish.
HAHAHHA. it was spelt wrongly on purpose(:
no offence, though.
lets appeal for DRILL POST.
yes, i WANT it badly.
i don't understand why they had to take it off):
PLMGSS has sec2s in drill committeeeeeeeeeeeee.
and i didn't remember the whole of the aim laaaaa.
i think i mistook some of the words!
so much for bionic memory, lols.
i want that bright&shiny golden badge on top of my nametag!
(at LEAST you get to keep THAT shiny golden badge, unlike the CSM one. boo)
enjoyed MT training yesterday.
stupid nicholas put extra vegetables into my "meal"
thanks, i suppose. and SHERYLLLL was his ACCOMPLICE.
pigggggggggg. hahahahha(:
i think alex and desmond make good partners.
super hilarious two.
i shall not explain about how i "拜拜-ed" until it was SUPER exaggerated(it is supposed to be that way)with alex.
Friday, November 23, 2007
{ 1:03 PM }
If my heart has grown cold,
There Your love will unfold;
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand.
When I’m blind to my way,
There Your Spirit will pray;
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand,
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand.
Oceans will part; nations come
At the whisper of Your call.
Hope will rise; glory shown.
In my life, Your will be done.
Present suffering may pass,Lord, Your mercy will last;
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand.
And my heart will find praise,I’ll delight in Your way,
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand,
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand.
Oceans will part; nations come
At the whisper of Your call.
Hope will rise; glory shown.
In my life, Your will be done.
Oceans will part; nations come
At the whisper of Your call.
Hope will rise; glory shown.
In my life, Your will be done.
the lyrics are beautiful(:
{ 11:35 AM }
darn. woke up at 7am this morning.
okay, slightly earlier -.-
went to school for family day meeting and taught the others how to bend(??)the crosses.
ahhhahahhaa. i feel the thrill of letting them know how much it hurts when you bend it. OKAY, sadistic, i know. and i was kidding, by the way.
taught miss tay too. she says i'm a good teacher :D:D:D
hahahaha, NOT patronising me okay.
passed up the NYAA form and wrote my travel plans before leaving school.
it feels weird to have someone else written the date for our mission trip already.
i was shocked alright.
we have MT training later.
the sec3s are taking their stage 3 drill theory test tomorrow morning.
am i jealous or am i jealous? i give you TWO options.
OKAY, times up. i'm jealous.
and they'll soon be getting a whole new row of badges. *blue, red, yellow* and they can take DI..
grrr. jacelyn, i don't care.
lets pass drill stage 2 with flying colours and MAKE likhoon let us go drill stage 3 ASAP and let us take DI.
HMPH. me want d.i):
its super super nice to see the GOLDEN, SHINY drill instructor badge on top of your nametag.
well THATS something that not everyone has.
i feel deprived of drill nowadays):
SIZING.i miss shouting like mad just trying to make the numbering off go SUPER smoothly.
i miss drill com days!
it feels good to do drill hardcore nowadays.
thats random. and believe it or not, i've started packing.
and i'm scared i don't have enough clothes to wear for the next few days. urm.
and and and and!
jenise says that when she said *beeeeep* on the inverter, (i think)he asked her to "not think of CHANGYEN so much"
*rips hair*
YAYNESS. something worth to be happy about, eh?
RIGHHTTTT. i'm starting to crap again ><
Thursday, November 22, 2007
{ 11:04 PM }
HZ IS BACK!my SONNNNNN. you owe me kimchi(although i don't eat it -.-)
madam hariyati ROCKS man.
our whole class hasn't submitted travel plans AND national youth achievement award thing.
I LOST IT. too bad.
nah, i shall get it from the security guard tomorrow and hand it up BEFORE i go to mission trip, doh?
we have mission trip training tomorrow. again!
wheeeees, more skits!
AND EVERYONE,(okay, fine, not EVERYONE)owes me their prayer requests.
bwahahahaha. i feel like an evil santa or something.
okay, THAT was random.
went to sheryl's house to make mochi.
apparently, with me around, we'll start playing more than we make the stuff.
ended up having STARCH fight.
we had starch all over our faces.
(and i don't want to talk about us TRYING to wrap ice cream INSIDE the mochi which turned out horribly and norman was the guinea pig...)
yeah, ended up with less than half of the previous batch sheryl took 3 hours to make.
(we took ALOT longer than that)
watched secret at her house.
okay, a little too late to go GAGA over it, but still.
nice :D me like.
the sweet sweet love. AHAHAHAHAHA :/
and its weird how the HUGE HUGE demolisher went to demolish the school(i don't want to start yacking)
i have nothing to blog about.
just that we have family day preparation tomorrow.
and we have to submit the NYAA form.
sian? yes, i know.
BORING.sheryl, OKAY! hiakhiakhiak.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
{ 11:35 AM }
I'M ROTTING TO DEATH AT HOME!dying of boredom ISN'T a nice thing to die of, if you haven't realised.
thank God we have mission trip training later.
rahr. its gone M.I.A already(this always happens when i want to find something on purpose, it never pops out at all -.-)
nevermind, i shall go dig my messy pile of books again.
and i really hope i can find it.
and the tickets were SO SUPER CHEAP can.
$1.30 for a ticket?
is THAT called a bargain, or what?
i think i slept at 12 last night.
after a certain someone shoo-ed me to sleep with SOOOOOO many question marks.
(so much for panda eyes x3 you yourself also haven't sleep at 11.59pm! heh!)i thought that was a laugh :D
hahahaha, no offence.
woke up at 1046 this morning.
pro or what?
and i was still contemplating whether i should sleep slightly longer or not ><
Monday, November 19, 2007
{ 2:53 PM }
YAY. its finally a night of good sleep for me.
slept till 10 this morning from 10:09pm last night :D:D:D
woke up because of my sister's noisy piano playing.
its SOOOOOO not nice. its
NOISY, mind you.
and i have nothing to do at home, sadly.
alfred asked me to make two bibles.
RIGHTTTT. and i think you guys would be surprised if i could actually "produce" two decent ones. i'll try, though, i guess? i'm still skeptical about how they'll turn out.
yiren is relieved that he didn't wake me up by his sms :/
yiwei saw him and smsed me in CAPS.
yes, like THAT.
lucky guy actually has something to do today.
COMPETITION. and he's actually NERVOUS.
since when was
HE ever nervous.
usually see him calm, if you don't know why i find it amazing that he's nervous.
current status?
this could go on forever, sad to say)x
there's MT training tomorrow and i'm meeting alfred and maybe sheryl to do the props.
hahahahah. i think kabod is a funny cell.
bunch of jokers.
yes, DANIEL, it includes you.
wheeeeeees :D
a few more days until its a month up for my phone bill, i guess.
hopefully i don't exceed the amount of smses(1000 -.-)if not, i can say goodbye to my phone.
yayness. all connections lost.
i've completed a little of my holiday homework.
well, THATS an accomplishment.
hopefully i can complete it before MT.
juggling a new language and holiday homework.
(thats nothing compared to my memorising geography notes like mad this year for EOYS)
FYI, i'm only doing math.
there's no way you can ever make me do my chinese homework.
its redundant anyway -.-
Sunday, November 18, 2007
{ 7:57 PM }
sentosa outing yesterday.
finally;after all the planning.
met joyce at 7.15am at 188 stand at CCK interchange.
the bus came on the DOT when i reached there. *heaves sigh of relief*
the bus ride was super long and joyce and i crapped alot throughout.
was really really tired because i couldn't sleep well the entire week(or the circumstances/events didn't allow me to so)
saw hadad at the ticket booth when we reached harbour front.
went to "collect" the prefects at the mrt station.
i realized how much i hated to count money and give change when i was collecting the money for the entrance ticket to sentosa. (especially when people don't have exact amount -.-)
headed for the bus interchange, AGAIN.
went to ticket booth and asked for 32 tickets.
i think the woman thought i was crazy or something.
she chopped like, 20 of them before giving all 32 to me.
right, so everyone boarded the bus first, leaving behind me and liyana.
joyce, jack, ariel and ms koe came and we left for sentosaaaaaa.
TEASBONCHTAI and saw yiren :D(jiemeis! lols)with the whole group of prefects.
(i haven't scolded him for giving his whistle to clive, causing him to make so much extra noise when only the committee members are supposed to have it)
jessie,yongren and chanel came to "welcome" us to palawan beach.
grouped them and headed to SPAC.
started on ice breakers and i was wandering around with joyce.
not group master nothing to do, apparently.
gave a short briefing for amazing race and i went to my
TEASBONCHTAI :D:D:Ddressed stupidly and i think alot of tourists thought i was some retarded tourist attraction.
i SURE attracted alot of unnecessary attention though >.<
(hey look, i was wearing a gay shirt, a "garland" and a totally no-taste straw hat. NO OFFENCE SHICHENG)
waited for the groups to come.
i think i stared at the vending machine for at least
half and hour.
maybel's group made me WAIT.
rushed to meet the food people+ongren because they walked past TEASBONCHTAI like, 5-10minutes ago.
confiscated clive's whistle and wore it instead. 2 is power.
rushed back to SPAC and took a break.
the groups played several games while the food committee prepared the food for LUNCH. long awaited, i know. we were starving even though we didn't do much. OKAY,
jack promised us ben&jerry's. he BLANJA-ed!
he brought yiren along with him and we waited for at least half and hour for their grand arrival.
clive treated my blister.
he complained that it was DIRTY and my leg was ugly -.-
but anyway. the funny part was that he applied cream to it and put the plaster(knowingly, with holes in it)on the cream and blister. and expectedly, the cream oozed out of the holes. cute eh? GROSS.
had the icecream with the committee+ms koe and mr lee.
jack and yiren had their well-deserved lunch, since they walked so far to buy us food, we loaded their plates with a
hugeeee serving of beehoon+some fried rice,
2 fishballs,
4 satays' and
a nugget. with extra satay sauce on top of the noodles, duh.
went to prepare for water bomb.
gave another briefing and ran up the towers to get stuff again.
AHA. saw yiren on the stairs eating his ice cream. KOPED some from him. (for once he was nice and offered it to me)
went to palawan beach to play water bomb.
superrrrr fun
(until a certain bikini-clad person complained and we had to shift)yiren got DRENCHED. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAS.
maybel got owned by reena. while she was talking, reena just threw the bomb at her with a nonchalant look on her face. CUTEEE<3
uncle shicheng got wet too :D
was playing with yiren's phone and wallet, since he left those in my care. wah, he trusts me! LOLS. amazing eh? he REFUSED to let me see his messages. awww)x
not funnnn :D the PEOPLE went to wash up and went back to twin towers!
yien jun got WET and had no change, so he couldn't go to church. rahr.
so he passed me sean's ncc uniform top(i think i was stupid to ask him to wear sean's shirt)
passed yiren's phone and wallet back to him. he allowed me to take back his whistle. wheees, so now i have a red and a yellow one.
set off with lihong and joyce for service.
cabbed down :D
omg. God really provides. was praying on the bus for a smooth journey throughout and He really answers prayers. the cab was the first thing we saw when we reached the main road.
my God is an awesome God(:even though i was tired, God really gave me strength to pay attention to this week's sermon and it really spoke to me. thank goodness He gave me the energy.
felt realllyyyyyy energized during dinner.
pastor daniel came and sat with us.
found out that he didn't use disposable chopsticks.
told us something about those chopsticks being, in short, very very dirty, filthy, whatever.
just don't use disposable chopsticks, yeah? AHA AHA AHA.
had fun raising today.
spent half the time lazing around cause they had an overload of people.
was still tired anyway.
and nicholas wong han xuan(my best friend)NEARLY, i repeat, NEARLY put the vacuum cleaner at my back and NEARLY sucked it. SUCKERRR! (read:vacuum, sucker? get it? reminded of mr quek? :D)
went to buddy buddy for lunch.
and rushed back to church for MT training.
we know our groups already!
nicholas is in mine. lols. daniel isn't):
alex and desmond are! omg, prepare for major fun.
they made me sing. rahr.
i can't sing loudly.
i can talk loud, but i can't sing loud.
ironic. and i'm not used to singing to other people except my girlfriends.
whats more, the group today was ALL guys.
lets see, weiyan was there,nicholas,desmond,alfred,dingming,alex,munkidd and ME.
so i was the LONER of a girl.
weiyan and desmond insisted i was one of them and was a guy.
i think alex and desmond are good partners.
they're like, funny x2901740760729075079304 when they're put together and STILL funny by themselves. they're productively funny and not insulting funny. (hongzhang, LEARN from them. this is called maturity)
I SEE THE KABOD SPIRIT NOW.BB TEACHES THE GUYS HOW TO USE "EYE-POWER"(or so they claim) first time i see weiyan so friendly.
desmond and him did the eye power thing funny too! amusing group.
munkidd told us that two of the "pails" still had the mee siam gravy in them.
one was still FULL and HOT.
so, as expected, we had to wash it.
and, um, weiyan said "NOW ITS TIME TO SHOW US WHAT GB TEAHES YOU!"
alex and desmond were like "the LTC... blahblahblah...."
i'm nice what, so i emptied one of the pails and cleaned them, first hand.
bwahahahahahs. fun!
we cleaned those in the rain since the kitchen was closed.
(i want to slap the people who left all this food WITHOUT cleaning it PERSONALLY, LOLS. kidding luhs)
desmond and i brought soap to clean the pails thoroughly and we started playing with it.
daniel wiped it on my HAIR. bad didi):
me sad leh.
right, went to buy foooood :D
stoned at mac.
(weird thing is, i nearly cried when stoning. WEIRD, right?)mum reached and went home.
i feel good today.
i need a good night's rest.
i'm REALLY exhausted.
i'm physically tired and worn out and my brain is still working.
the only thing i can do? STONE.
(quotation from KEN :D)
RIGHT, i shall go sleep soon. feels like 12am already.
Friday, November 16, 2007
{ 10:30 PM }
WE WENT TO SCHOOL SUPPOSEDLY TO FOLD WIRES TODAY, BUT WE ENDED UP HAVING COMMITTEE MEETING AND DOING PROPOSAL. reminds me of prefects' outing committee :/ (except that everything has to be done in excel because have grid)
urm, had to try and work within the budget, which is obviously the most sickening thing in every single project/outing. its hard to do so, but i guess we'll have to try and cut cost here and there, a little from everywhere.
i shall not post whatever peiru shared in GB classroom todaywent to macs for brunch?
left like, super early cause joyce and i went to buy.. stuff :D
took 852 to westmall interchange and went all the way to harbourfront.
apparently, joyce and i missed 2 trains at one shot. power, uh?
walked around to look at havanas.
spent like, 15minutes looking for the nike bag shop?!
and realised it was right at the other end.
(the numbers go from big to small, and then u-turn back again, so yeah)
walked past temptations.
i think i saw ben&jerry's, haagen dazs!!(my <3), forever 21, river island, HEI SE HUI(omg, they serve wasabe prawns :/ i'm drooling already) AND go india. i think the smell from that particular shop was super strong and nice :D
i want godiva ice cream+chocolates. (no changyen, think of the calories :/)
finally found nike.
walked in, walked out again.
went to new urban male.
walked in, walked out.
went BACK to nike again.
tried 3 bags on, decided on the white and silver one.
chanel has the gold and black one, and i think she'll kill me if i bought the same one as her.
and the black and pink one looked seriously WEIRD.
plus, the one i got is a different design from yours, chanel :D
walked back to new urban male.
decided that i was going to blow my mere budget of $10o(SINGAPORE DOLLARS, fyi)if i bought the $50 havanas.
thought that it wasn't THAT worth it afterall because joys's havanas spoilt like, super fast.
SOOOOO, i went to raffles place to buy roxy slippers -.-
i wanted the pink one of the design joyce bought, but they had no size 8 -.-
whoops. i did -.- twice in a row.
went home, slept a little while and went for mission trip training.
learnt sooooo many things today.
i can barely remember half of them.
but i like the song.
so cute :D
okay, there's prefects' outing tomorrow (-.-)
meeting joyce at 7.15, cck interchange.
I DON'T WANT TO DO MY HOLIDAY HOMEWORK.i think i can't cope in sec3, double math and double science when i just caught up on math and my science is getting c5? and there's double humanities lorrrrr. i think my hard drive will be expanded. rahr. i don't like this at all.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
{ 7:10 PM }
okay, went ice skating with 2E3'07 yesterday.



no pictures of myself cause i took them all :D
may be a little small because i'm obviously too lazy to enlarge them. waste time=waste money.
honestly speaking, i've never ICE SKATED before.
apparently the theory about "you know how to roller blade sure can ice skate" thing isn't wholly true. i could BALANCE on the ice, but i couldn't move.
no biggy, being an adventurous person *reminded of NCC shirt [adventurous spirit]* well, not really the right word, but. i'm not really scared to fall, so i just chionged. managed to ice skate semi-decently, though not as well as jenise or liying.
right, yurun and jeremy learnt fast.
jeremy was like, laughing and saying "wo bu hui la!"
and the next moment? you see him whizzing past all of us.
and yurun? his hand action when he nearly fell was, cute.
yiwei WALKS on ice funny.
stupid singapore sports school people came and cause sheryl and i to fall.
crap them can. )([22094#*^#()&)!)#!()
ohyeah. they were just playing a NEW gatsby advertisement.
pretty cute, i guess.
sheryl sprained her hand, i think.
and it was swollen really bad.
brought her to her family sinseh, since these kind of injuries are better and they'll rub it for you :D (apparently not only can i stand the pain but i find it soothing too :/ sadistic)
her mum came and treated xinping and i to dinner since we brought her there.
um, went back to the sinseh again because sheryl's hand was feeling numb.
cabbed down to church since we were running late for mission trip training.
thanks to sheryl's mum.
(ohyeah, and yiwei saw his future mother-in-law)
yeah. and anyway.
went jamming with shifu, christopher and jiajun today.
since sheryl DIDN'T GO.
i shall not mull over that anyway.
it was fun fun fun fun fun.
drums are fun funner funnnest!
i learnt hosanna the first part leeeeee :D:D:D
without the cymbals? IS IT?!
but i managed the bass and snare drums. whoopees.
i think christopher is abnormal can.
the way he changes chords are like, lightning speed.
freaky guy. and and and and. he can move from fret to fret at lightning speed too. omg, am i jealous or what.
and he's like, guitar pro.
and so is jiajun. learn so fast for what >.<
i shall practice and practice and practice the starting of hosanna until i can co-ordinate my hand used for cymbal and my leg playing bass drum.
its fun playing the drums in the dark, though christopher and jiajun can tell whether i'm playing or not. *mumbles darkly once again*
whoopeeeees. and there was a cockroach in the room.
went to macs for, um, lunch?
late lunch, i guess.
they started telling me/each other lame jokes. and they were really stupid(ishallnotelaborateonthosebecauseithinktheyareprettymuchawasteoftimeandihopeyoucanreadthis :D)
went home after that. i think they went to check out the lan shop.
ohwell. got GB stuff tomorrow :D
playing with wires again!
after that going with joyce to vivo to buy my slippers and MAYBE my bag.
WHEEEES. and there's MT training tomorrow. HAHAHAHA,. i'm excited.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
{ 10:12 AM }
right. streaming results are out.
congratulations for ruth,chanel,yiwei and hongzhang for being in the same class. talk about chaos in the class man.
i got into 2a. 3E1, sadly. i wanted 3E3 so my record book can be super nice.
1E3,2E3,3E3,4E3<3 (this isn't going to happen, by the way)
praise the Lord anyway :D
daniel,veronica,xinping,joyce,siwei,yaode,feilicia,jiejian,zhenlin and qiuyan are in the same class as me! WHOOPEES. but i'll still miss our class having the most number of GB girls):
see why 2E3 rocks now?
*say 2E3 rocks or prepare to have your brain juices flowing down your neck*
skip the nice stuff.
i think, if i'm not wrong.
great, talk about scandals -.-
i'm SOOOOOOOO not looking forward to next year.
besides the huge point about missing 2E3 2007?
scandals would be flying in the class, once again, i daresay.
and the pressure :D
ohyeah. maybelline will also be in the same class as me. hahahah(:
*mind your language changyen*
later going ice skating with 2E3 people :D:D:D
bet they'll all be talking about streaming results.
and i think its almost a 100% guarantee that the guys who got into the same class as the girls will be like "eeyer, why same class as you?"
but hey, look on the brighter side.
at least you'll have former 2E3 people to crap along with you in your new class :D
I MISS 2E3 2007<3333
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
{ 10:46 AM }
this post is going to be super random, but heck :D
SHERYLLLLL! chocolate banana CUPPY CAKES.
i want to make MOCHI.
i "book" you next thursday already. bwhaahahhaha.
i think i'll miss my son alot when he goes to KOREA.
*mumbles darkly*(speaking of which i feel like killing him because he mixed the days up with our class chalet dates)
blur kid. i think he's too deprived of fatherly love, or something, i guess.
yet again, i find myself RESEMBLING him.
ohmygosh. i think sheryl(who has seen/heard the weirdest things i do/say will agree :/)
and my son and i got 默契 okay!
that time we said "i tell my mother" (or was it "tell then tell la") at the exact same timing without PAKA-ing 好.
faaaalalalalalallala :D
OHOHOH. i forgot something.
SON, don't keep singing DADADADADA.
i'm sick of
simpsons SIM SUMS.
quote? "hz, you sing nice, but you don't sing nicer." unquote.
credits to luqman, deskpartner 2E3 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
{ 7:55 PM }
ohyeah. streaming results will be coming out in 3 days time.
excited? ohwell.
just remember to go check the SCHOOL WEBSITE.
(this is a special note to MR NEO YI WEI because he was
dumb BLUR enough to ask me and shicheng how we can know the results)
{ 6:50 PM }
no, i did not pay sheryl to advertise for me, MYSELF.
i'm currently not up for grabs because i already belong to sheryl.
and i DO want a rich,smart and
HAMSUM handsome guy to marry.
must have a brother who possesses the same qualities so that sheryl and i can marry one each and live in the same house as each other in DISTRICT 9(stay near botanical gardens luhs).
okay, not to mention he must be christian.
i passed my drill stage 1.
i'm still glad i passed even though my DEAR friends from PLMGSS said that we'll definitely be able to pass and that it was EASY; because i was getting super nervous before that.
let me take stage 3 and if i pass i fly to the moon for you to see. LOLS.
hopefully we'll be able to get all the stages. wow. that'd be like, cool? priviledged batch, us.
and we got our total defence badge, BRONZE. lets just complete gold :D
i'll be super happy, i guess.
lishan said that we must complete 6 pioneer badges by next year so that in sec4, we can do the other two and go for PBB.
josmin and justina already completed their first aiddddddddddd. *whines*
pft, and they completed stage1,2 and 3 drill.
am i jealous or am i jealous?
mind if you list the options?
jacelyn, rejoice?
lets go take DI together!
seeing the "drill instructor" badge on top of your nametag is super awesome.
some blingbling THAT is. its bright GOLD can. prettaye!
drew on sheryl's mother's bedroom toilet mirror.
okay, that was confusing.
after joyce showered, the mirror was MISTY.
so i drew a huge smiley face and wrote "joyce was here"
she nearly murdered me.
i seriously comtemplated to write "yurun was here" and sabo sheryl :D
so much for my computer getting fixed.
adding to the trauma?
my mum set a PASSWORD to the computer.
how decent. just to prevent my brother from using the computer too much.
my brother is watching
talk about allergy/sensitivity.
and i'm warning you, if we're in the same group for MT i'll totally crap.
OHYEAH. I CAN'T WAIT FOR MT TRAINING. hahahahahahaha. something to do at night. can't wait can't wait.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
{ 8:20 PM }
i'm back from chalet! (updating one day late due to severe lack of sleep)
it was a great time to bond with the class.
2E3'07 IS LOVE<3 hahahaha(:
okay, went to chanel's house to cut up the sotongs after buying watermelon with sheryl. were LATE. duh. there was a HUGE traffic jam in the morning. not my fault. it was UNEXPECTED. chanel's maid(linda)helped us cut up the watermelon. THANK YOU! crapped around while looking for containers big enough to keep them in.
explored chanel's house(yet again)and watched her pack stuff. and it wasn't very decent, i'd say :D
set off to jurong east interchange and were there about an hour early.
thank goodness weiting and zhenlin were gentleman enough to help us carry it to the entrance of popular(where we were supposed to wait at). i think people thought we were a gang or something. hongzhang mentioned that our bags were like suspicious objects. BOMBS, to be exact.
waited for everyone to arrive. which was about 15-30minutes later.
took the train to pasir ris.
checked in to chalet and prepared for BBQ super early.
(ncc guys are useful when it comes to setting up the fire;they're experienced! they know what kind of fire starter to buy luhs)
xinping's stingray were a BIGBIGBIG hit. (we finished slightly more than 9kg worth of stingray in 2 days of bbq)
hahhahahah :D
TRIED to play tdc(truth,dare or choice)in the girls' chalet. only because we used the guys' side for bbq to let ours be cleaner, obviously. didn't work out. half the class wanted to go to red house. and some wanted to go to the beach. i didn't go anywhere.
NURUL AND ARIFFIN WERE SUPER NICE TO ARRANGE A "2E3'07 ROCKS<3" USING THE MAHJONG TILES. very prettaye! thanks guys. wheees. it makes a nice picture.
went up to sleep at the girls' chalet at around 2am.
slept next to chanel and sheryl =X
i think i know why we(sheryl&i)think that miss ngiam probably thinks that we(sheryl&i)are lesbian.
okayokay. i was tossing and turning around because i couldn't get into a comfortable sleeping position and i found that chanel and i were in the same sleeping position. LOLS.
woke up at 4am, SUPPOSEDLY to see the sunrise.
walked/strolled/marathon-ed to the beach/seaside, whatever.
reached there nearly at 5am? because we had to wait for the people who played overnight mahjong. heh. played with sparklers first. then they tried figuring out where the sun would rise from. (p.s. we could still see the moon then)
CHANEL MADE US GO OUT SUPER FAST AND SHE COMPLAINED AND SLEPT AT THE BEACH. LOLS. yes i know. we spotted BBQ pits with our register numbers and wanted to take photos with them. thanks to xinping. so cute. hahahah ;D
got impatient and went off to macdonalds to have EARLY breakfast.
and it was only approximately until 6.30am when the sun actually rose. ohwell. just as rongxiang said. "cannot see sunrise, see sunset lor"
headed back to chalet and slept, AGAIN.
i used rongxiang's inflatable plastic pillow to sleep on the FLOOR. hahaha.
slept till about 9.30am and everyone(girl)woke up.
-i think we watched movies, but i forgot what happened after we woke up-
celebrated YURUN's birthday(a day early because the 2 icecream cakes, worth $109 by the way, were about to MELT because there wasn't a fridge big enough to put them in)
surprised him when he walked into the guys' chalet.
could see that he was touched. and i think the $109 was spent well. who could've made this ever-so-dao guy who never called any of the girls' names decently before,TOUCHED. worth it :D:D:D
if you had seen the look on his face, i think you'll never forget this 2E3 chalet EVER.
i think we watched several movies.
thanks to ruth, the movie provider.
hongzhang was SINGING. right. i shall not elaborate on why you would have to bring ear plugs the next time "numb" is played and hongzhang is present. even though he's my son, i have to say he didn't inherit the genes of singing well. heh XP
we kept watching simpsons that day =X (rongxiang said the guys watched it 9 times altogether)
had to MASSAGE hongzhang. he said it was better than sleeping anyway.
went to downtown east so many times i can forget about counting.
i know we went to buy yurun's "happy birthday princess" balloons.
and we went down to DA BAO food to eat.
we BBQ-ed again. and finished the stingray.
with E3 guys around? you'll have to prepare alot more food. stingray was high on demand. thanks to xinping's excellent marinate sauce AGAIN.
i was busy fanning my SON, esther and sheryl.
i think my SON perspires alot. and its really gross.
the BBQ pit could be a sauna already. *sauna solution!*
miss ngiam came!
she said the stingray's were great, too! (xinping, see how many people LOVE your stingrays?)
she "presented" yurun's balloons to him. *I CAN'T BELIEVE THE PRICETAGS WERE STILL ON! LOLS!*
i think he was super freaked out by the PINK COLOUR and the PRINCESS thing.
but still, hearing from liying, he brought it home. AWWWW(:
we gave miss ngiam her huge huge hugest card anyone had ever given her.
hongzhang wrote "thank you. hope you reach 190cm by next year"
ROFL? yes, i'll miss this joker next year. and! miss ngiam wears kid sized sport shoes. gosh. small feet.
when miss ngiam was about to leave, we followed her out and had a look at her boyfriend. (miss ngiam, you're supposed to invite us[2E3'07]to your wedding!)
feilicia was FUNNY. she said that when miss ngiam gets married, she'll be called "mrs chua ngiam ngiam".
went back to SLEEP.
ate alot of watermelons =X
eunice and ruth came back with GOLDEN FRIES.
tried to sleep on the floor, AGAIN. with the plastic inflatable pillow.
slept at around 12midnight? until about 4am.
headed to the guys' chalet with liying and found them watching SIMPSONS. AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN! tried to sleep on the floor too. at least they had a decent pillow for me. hahahahah. i could sleep. and when i was sleeping, zhenlin put his leg on my ankle and it went NUMB. thanks uh.
ZHENLIN ******. i shall not reveal whatever was the joke in the guys' chalet.
burhan says SIMPSONS as "SIMSUMS"
that funny bodoh, really.
slept until 6am, woke up again, and tried to sleep while sitting on the stairs and lying on the wall. couldn't. so stayed to crap with the guys.
everyone packed up and gathered at the guys chalet.
"paiseh la!" AND COVERED HIS FACE.
sent over songs from his phone to mine. feels weird to send songs to an exact same phone with the exact same colour. i couldn't tell which was mine when the songs were sent already :/
went home to sleep cause my mum came to fetch me.
ahhhh. this will be the most unforgettable chalet with the most laughter ever.
2E3 has brought me laughter, smiles, tears and anger.
I LOVE 2E3'07! wheeeees! :D
be forewarned:next year's classes who have 2E3 people in them? prepare to dieeee. MUAHAHAHAHHAHA.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
{ 1:23 PM }
i definitely agree with what joys said during cell because i know i live off my parents :/
they don't pay me to work for them because i can't do their work. so i guess if i have time, i will go out and work. see how the outside world's like, you know?
ahhhh. the backstabbing that goes on is freaky. just to climb up that business ladder. its good to expose yourself to these kind of things, i guess.
so whatever it is, go to God and ask Him for directions(:
ohyeah. and I GOT MY PHONE BACK.
after what seemed like ages of torture.
alright, i'm too reliant on my phone.
promise! i think i'm not going to sms unless necessary from now on, given that my dad has already given me so many chances.
(my new computer came already, so i'll be able to blog more often, i guess. but everything's reformatted and i must borrow discs from people to upload the songs into my computer OR get poor weiting to send them to me, since he downloads songs and pays for them anyway)
it felt super good to be back in church after a week.
the wait seemed super long :/
went super high during cell. i have no idea why.
(in case you didn't notice, i was jumping about like some crazy rabbit. madness, i know)
covenant with God? likhoon shared about that during cell today. about HER covenant with Him. and being super lag, (yes, thats me) i finally made one with Him yesterday. however weird it seems, it was made on the bus on the way to my grandmother's house. but i'm glad i did anyway. *sigh of relief*
watched a movie for service.
i MUST MUST MUST say it was really good.
really spoke to me alot.
its amazing how people can have faith in Him during the worst times.
and whats more is that the worst times they have is like, 12896405607604790501 times worse than what we, as kids experience now, and yet we can't believe that He can do so many great things through us.
from today onwards, i resolve to believe in Him no matter how bad the situation is and that He will provide a way out as long as my faith in Him doesn't waver. AND, that my faith in Him will deepen each and every day of my life :D
(and the scene where the guy talked to his dad was super touching. i doubt many of us can talk that way towards our parents, so yeah)
2E3 chalet tomorrow.
can't wait. no, not can't wait to drag a huge cooler box to chanel's house and leave the house with it heavier than before.
i can't wait for the last few moments we spend together as an official class of 2E3'07. ahhhh, reminiscince.
ohwell.have to pack an extra set of clothes because we'll be having drill practice on the 7th(the day we check out of the chalet)at 2.30pm. will be able to reach school on time anyway, just in case you're reading this, peiru :D
i'll blog AFTER i come back from chalet.
Friday, November 02, 2007
{ 7:38 PM }
how DARE you say i'm slow.
(p.s. its TEO yurun :D)
yurun wasn't THAT cute LAST YEAR.
i like&miss his fringe):
ms ngiam says he looks better without it, though.
and YAODE. it was only when i discovered that he had nice(pardon me)LEGS when i started noticing him. ALRIGHT.not special crushes or what. i just think that he's cute. ROFL. yeah, and i agree that the "YES" i replied to jenise's remark was LAGGED. needed time to think, yah?
LOLS. alright.
sheryl and i were going ga-ga over *AHEMS* in msn today.
shall blog about this soon(:
but i think you can see a little of it in sheryl's blog.
and this post is dedicated specially to jacelyn lim seh lok(:
ohyeah. i shall make that face on the next practice as well. SABOTAGE! hahahahah!
{ 9:55 AM }
i know this is late, but.
dedicated to 2E3'07(:
for the perfect class EVER!
school's out and you'd expect us to act like kindergarten kids and start cheering for the holidays right? WRONG. last day of school and i dare to say i held back tears. 2E3 has been such a wonderful class,bringing to us joy,laughter,tears and anger. but i guess its all the bickering that brought us together, as one UNITED 2E3'07.
the pictures we took on the last day of school, the camwhoring we did with random girls from our class, AND the pictures taken using sheryl's camera on the last day of school will forever be good memories(:
i remember the very first day of school.
i guess i got kinda freaked out sitting next to yiwei -.-
retarded, i know. but i was still a sec1!
had teambuilding games and i remember someone complaining to me that hz took off his shoes and did weird stuff.
i remember when we won the sec1 inter-class handball competition.
when the class stood by the team playing and cheered like crazy after we won.
showing off(: to e4 as well.
sitting next to yiwei during my first year was quite, retarded.
jenise and ariffin were sitting in front of us.
and one time, when i wanted to take something from yiwei, he said "wo bu xiang ni bei ma"; "i don't want you to get scolded" and it became the scandal of the class, once again.
when we visited metta home?
i remember putting on a dress and a necklace for weiting.
i always had fun with my two meimeis'.
the times when hongzhang imitated the metta home patients by pushing the chair?
and doing something REALLY obscene. which i think only e3 people know!(:
sec1 was quite ordinary for me.
we didn't really bond much.
we were in cliques.
chanel, ruth, sheryl and i.
always went for recess together.
chanel and i were the faster ones, so sheryl and ruth had to catch up with us(:
ruth, the top scholar.
topped the level for the WHOLE YEAR, consistently!
she was the joy of our class. our pride.
even though mr lee commented that our class' results were rock bottom, we still cheered because we had the top scholar in our class.
our class was a UG class.
more than half of our class(around 29)are from uniformed groups.
none from GG, though.
we marched to the commands given by weiting.
who was always holding the "drill cane" (dustpan, really)
and zhenlin would give timing in his super loud,duck voice!
my meimeis' are just so fun to be with.
i remember the windows we shattered.
actually, by the guys.when they played soccer in class and broke a window, nobody would complain to the teacher. we would just keep quiet and say nothing.
the time mr neoh(?)made the class guys stand in the parade square in SENANG-DIRI position just because they weren't in the concourse doing proper things during free period and were playing soccer in class instead.
it was so memorable.
the start of this year?
had sec2 camp.
really bonded us up a little, except that every class was split into two groups.
came down with CHICKEN POX halfway through the camp.
had to go home early in the morning the next day.
when zhenlin was in our group,we did map orienteering super fast.
geography genius,really.
we saw a huge huge centipede slithering so quickly past after the rain.
the girls were, expectedly, freaked out.
the spider web(part of an obstacle course)is one event i'll never forget.
had to get the whole group past without touching the ground.
the girls distracted the trainer and the guys made the holes in it LARGER so that everyone could get through.
the clock we broke?
the hands of the clock taken out?
the dustpan which we attached to the top of the broom?
who would forget?
the dustpan thing was even announced during assembly!
the numerous quotes from 2E3(which you can find in alot of our blogs)
and the song dedications during heartstrings day.
the quote "one for one dollar, two for two dollars, THREE FOR FREE" and "tissue paper one doLLAR!"
the songs hongzhang sang horribly, but cracked the class up.
the table below our class in the new premises.
weiting helping the GB girls polish their boots.
ariffin acing every event during sports day.
(i still remember how quickly the 100m race finished because of him, you know)
ALEX, whom we made fun of.
whom we discriminated against.
we found him OKAY in sec1, you know.
until he showed off his "taiwan dollars" to the whole class.
and when we found out he had so much leg hair and that his low voice was funny?
and one time,when a science teacher(i forgot who)asked us what kind of thermometers were there, he replied "dettol thermometer".the whole class laughed like crazy.
2E3's name getting announced once again for(apparently doing something wrong)the guys playing duel masters in class. whose fault? WHO COMPLAINED? alex.
i think the girls had nothing against him until that very moment.
we boycotted him after school. complained to miss ngiam.
formed AAC and sat at the table outside out class during recess, awaiting our "dear king alex" to arrive. we would do the AAC WAVE when he came.
hongzhang would quote him "i tell my mother" "tell then tell la" , "welcome to taiwan, this is survivor taiwan, you have been eliminated, wahlaueh!" and all sorts of things.
when miss ngiam once gave us a talk on the good points and bad points of the class, she pointed out that the good points turn into bad ones.
we ARE supportive, but we support the guys in the wrong way.
and hongzhang gladly threw in "2E3 has pretty girls and handsome boys" inside the "goodpoints" part.
that talk really made us realise that we should really bond during the last few weeks together. AND I APOLOGIZED TO YURUN.
his dao-ness wasn't THAT bad, i guess. at least he said "nevermind".
and the time we played TDC? they made me put my hand around his shoulder. while i was hesitating, he said "want to do then faster".really shocked me.
AND. hotel rwanda. that was where the HUTU and TUTSI came from.
and the name HUTU BALA. she was soooooo irritating. and if i may quote daniel,"bugger".
when we teased jenise about two certain somebodies.
and she'd scream in protest.
the class next year would never be the same.
when teachers came into our class,complaining that they could hear us when they were having lessons, who could forget?
and,miss punitha saying "stop behaving like kindergarten kids",hongzhang said "i don't celebrate deepavali with you then you know".
it was so amusing!
and, scandals.
____ and _____ oh oh oh!
the cute side of 2E3, really.
it just wouldn't be the same anymore.
and miss ngiam thinking sheryl and i are lesbian? no we arent(:
the times we were repeatedly told that we should not go back to our classrooms in the morning because 2E3 always came down late? "DUA PAI!"
even 2E4 listened to ms koe. 2E3? we just shut the door, offed the lights and when someone walked in, we would go "SHHHH! close the door, close the door!"
and the time luqman pee-ed next to the metal cupboard, which we named "TOILET CORNER"? the time ruth got rid of a dead rat? rongxiang and luqman playing POOL with the bees they caught? the cat SHIT on the pile of newspapers we had lying at the recycling corner?
scenes like this would never leave my mind.
would they leave yours?
i remember the first quarrel chanel and i had.
and when we finally settled our differences, we became good friends again.
through these two years, i really thank God chanel was there.
her SUAN-ING, however bad, motivated me to study harder.
we took each other as competitors, helped each other to work harder and achieve better results.
sheryl, the one who's always there for me no matter what.
you lent me your shoulder to cry on, your listening ears and your comfort.
the times you encouraged me to push on no matter what.
i thank God i got to know you.
ruth, your results always got me jumping on my feet.
but you're one of my really good friends who can keep calm always.
thanks for always being there.
jenise, the disagreements we had?
i still remember. but i guess thats what made us PENGYOUS!
the retarded posing we did at jec and didn't bother about who was looking?
i'll miss you next year, really):
esther, the green tea advertisement. I'LL ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT(:
i'll miss your tan! and the time when sheryl(?) literally slapped me because i said that i liked your tan and that it was red!
liying, the encouragement? the support?
i'll always appreciate those moments when we cried, laughed and crapped together.
eunice, the scandals.
i'll miss the time we hid in the classroom together(:
afifah, your friendliness.
your forever cheery character, i'll miss them all.
anira, the first friend i made in school.
i'll remember that always.
cherie, your wave!
i don't know why but i find it super cute!
xinrong, ahhhh.your math results. i want you as my tutor!
diyana, your eyes! they're so hugeeee.i'm jealous!
feilicia, i must add more ++ energy to you.
next time don't complain about your results already, when you see MINE.
xinping, your smile always brightens up my day.
its so wide and sunny XD SL&ASL FOREVER. wheees(:
nadiah, you're so quiet in class. i'll miss you all the same anyway!
maggie, pon school so many days. i didn't even get to say a proper goodbye):
don't call me mummy anymore okay? makes me sound old.
rafidah, your confidence exudes out of you. it seems like it comes naturally.
mardiah, your sportsmanship, your dimples. PRETTAYE!
qiuyan, your forever helpful character!
burhan, WHITE LIGHT!
hanrui, i always mistook you as yaode. you guys look so alike!
your hair got high population growth rate!
yaode, your glasses! your LEGS. OMG. *i'm jealous*
rongxiang,you're such a gentleman! help me tie my GOLDEN TIE somemore. and your black pencil case with a pink stripe! YOUR FLUTE!
kenneth, always competing with me for space. no more of that next year):
jiejian,wah LAU, jiejian! i'll remember your zao xias'! and you teaching me math, and me ending up owning you instead(: hahahaha!
weiting, meimei, you've changed alot, i could never talk to you as much as i did last year. but hopefully, i'll be able to, soon! boots polisher! (NOT IN A BAD WAY!)
i'll miss having you in the same class, and you shouting commands!
nicholas, the oh-so-tall guy. your hair is curly!
luqman, toilet corner, REMEMBER? how about meet my snake, AND BENDY STRAW?
danial, YOUR DM CARD. the cute one! where is it?!?!?!?!
yiwei, desk partner. i will never be able to whack you for one hour continuously ever again. i think you'll miss that huh?
ariffin, the fast sporty. hope you win more and more sports events! ahahahaha(:
hongzhang, SON. the laughter you've brought to the class and myself. i'll never forget. don't stop calling me mum okay(: i love my son! hahahaahah! continue being such a joy to your classmates next year too! strive hard! i'll miss you next year):
jeremy, YOUR BIRTHDAY PARTY. you make a good host, you know. and your mum. hahaha!
zhenlin, meimei. our birthday's are like, in the same month. my home econs partner this year. i know i can't crack eggs to save my life.thanks for helping me throughout the whole year! and the egg tarts you make are really good. will miss you too!
yurun, the numerous times i've shouted at you. but i've apologized, and i'm glad i did. thanks for helping me complete the dare. will never forget that! it was super hilarious!
hoe xian, tall guy! again! smart, too. stop being sexist eh? you owe me one for home econs practical!
the memories 2E3'07 have given me, will NEVER EVER be forgotten.
i just hope it'll be the same for the rest of the class as well.
we'll be bonded all the same next year, right?
lets have fun during the chalet this coming monday!
2E3'07 is LOVE <3
{ 9:16 AM }
yah,yah. due to high demand, i'm posting.
i have NO TIME to upload any photos, so fat hope(:
camp was relatively fun, i guess.
fun-er than i expected.
first day.
field cooking. first time we did this with RAW food. thanks uh.
high elements totally freaked me out. i just jumped off the challenge pole the fastest i could.
had night confidence walk. made us walk the LONGLONGLONG way to the quarry.
held hands with our group members.
EMOKID was the "leader" (first person) of the group and he was super calm.
and from what i heard from joyce, SOMEBODY screamed "AHH, tiffany! don't hold my hand so tight!"
actually,nothing much exciting about the first day. SKIP.
second day.
trekked from dairy farm to mac rithchie. 17km, approx.
kaizhong(the very gentlemanly sec1)carried our melon;MELONY!(pronounced:MAH-LAW-NEH;as quoted from joyce)THROUGHOUT THE JOURNEY. and it didn't have a single CRACK/HOLE in it. pro *claps*
zhiting was a very very good leader(:
yiren(emo kid)and yien jun(I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO SPELL HIS NAME)led the group.
joyce and i were the only two girls right in front with EMOKID,yien jun, yiwei and shani(BROTHA!). marched using chinese commands. humourous.
can't recall much, really. but i know that the trek really bonded us all together.
at night was campfire.
before that, we had preparation!
AHEMS! EMOKID, actually went HIGH. he was doing poses of mocca advertisements.
all of us were like *you sure or not?*
quotes hongzhang "is this ____? what have you done to ___?"
or something like that.
campfire was fun.
zhiting and i volunteered to be the "furniture" for some game and ended up getting sprayed at(with water). didn't know whether we could run or not, so we stayed put until we got a little wet. shouldn't have hesitated, actually.
last day of camp was short.
morning, THE STARE. i think yiwei and kaizhong were freaked out.
we ATE melony):
but given all the TLC put into carrying her(ALL THANKS TO KAIZHONG AGAIN!),she turned out sweeeeeeeeeeet!awwww.
i think group two's(wu-ga-sha-ka)heart really ached when they cut her open.
darn. joyce said that she was PART OF US and someone else should just take her place. HAHAHAHAHHAHA.
3 campers were awarded best camper.
1 group was awarded best group, DUH.
went home, unpacked,showered and SLEPT.
MONDAY. hmmms.
went to buy stuffs for chalet with liying, sheryl and ruth.
thank you ruth for paying first!
i think she was heart broken after receiving the change.
but don't worry, we'll pay you back!
had fun pushing the cart around cold storage.
went to macs to have GOLDEN FRIES.
with alot alot alot of mayo.
saw ken!
went to videoez to check out some movies.
all of us were wondering whether to loan "take the lead" or not.
miss ngiam has GOOD movie taste. ha(:
went to sentosa.
i got myself totally black, thanks to the sun which was like, not even there.
i dunked myself into the water first.
(they sabo-ed the chair-woman!)
had cuts on both of my legs! and now there's a bump where the blue black is.
omg, cool. (i'm sadistic, i know)
they played with my slipper until i surrendered and put my whole head inside the water.
yiwei was the next target. i'd say he got it worse than i did.
sat inside the sea and waited for the HUGE tide to come in.
and when it did, it blew us up to the shore.
*piao piao* feeling. hahahahahs(:
cycled around sentosa, well, not exactly.
but you get the drift.
butts and bags were wet after the cycle.
yiwei FELL. he cut his knee lor.
and the blood was oozing out.
THAT was what i call disgusting.
he had ALL the girls fussing over him.
shicheng and ONGren were probably jealous or something.
hahahahahaha. kidding, kidding.
and when i reached home?
my scalp had like, SKIN dropping off because i had too much a tan.
had committee meeting.
was pretty fun.
waited for EMOKID to come from JEC.
and once he reached, he called me "___" i'm not telling you guys.
ran off to vivo, AGAIN.
for the second time in two days.
gosh, thats freaky alright.
i think its a little too late to put happy birthday on my blog now, so,yeah(:
went to CarlsJR for lunch.
ordered 2 set meals UPSIZED.
gosh you should've seen how huge the burgers were.
sat there and talked for nearly 2 hours.
we're taking our stage 1, NEXT WEEK. wow. WHEN WE ARE GOING TO SEC 3.
went to sky park after lunch and played dare or double dare. since truth or dare DIDN'T work out.
got the birthday girl wet in the end(:
and i turned darker, AGAIN!.
*hops around like some mad rabbit*
went to candy empire and went ga-ga over the nice(but expensive)chocolates.
sat the train to outram park and got off there.
SEPARATED. ahhhhhh!
promised to meet this christmas!
had drill practice yesterday.
went high over drill, AGAIN.
did opening and closing of contingent, which we rarely do.
and during that time, you can see lilin opening and puckering up her mouth to goof up the command.
practice ended super fast.
sadly. stayed back and watched them do drill.
i miss sizing):
ohwells. i shall post for 2E3 later on.