Wednesday, January 31, 2007
{ 6:58 PM }
ruth was not correct(:
no la, i think my boots heard you when you said "they want cotton now"
and they decided to prove you wrong.
hahas, and now my boots accept my cloth.
thank goodness.
drill was.
funny. at the same time the very very very scorching sun was shining down on us.
thanks alot.
MISS likhoon came down.
she taught us, meaning feilicia, jolyn, mabel and i.
she corrected all our mistakes, which of course was a good thing.
actually she teach us is good de lor.
but anyway, we learnt/did sizing.
that was super super amusing.
i think we ran back and forth for at least 10 times.
but it was good.
said "sa" "dua" for like, a million of times.
exaggerated, but.
this sucks. i'm afraid that some of us, secondary TWOS who practiced so hard can only be reserves.i hope hope hope we all can do it good, so even though we might be reserves then no need to worry that your drill is lousy or anything.
don't know why, but today was weird.
i felt totally weird weird WEIRD lor.
stop's getting on my nerves. just tell whatever you want to say to the person in her face.act like mature adults. its not like you don't have bad the unlovable, get it. just understand that its no use to hate a person.better to have a friend than one more enemy. if you don't like the person, then tell her. stop letting her get hurt la
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
{ 3:46 PM }
i want my swensens!
booooo. i can't wait for my birthday!
its like, a superrrrrrrrrrrrrrr longggggggggg way to go.
and i am longing for my ice cream.
okay, i sound deprived.
but i REALLY REALLY REALLY want my ice cream.
*rum and raisin, rum and raisin, RUM AND RAISIN* cookies and cream also not bad. hehhs.hmmm, first thing when i went for recess today, shaun(shaun[shaun])tapped me real hard and asked me for money.
see la. the things he could do to sponsor a friend's birthday =/
and i can't go. i'm still lamenting.
but jacelyn is going, i think.
i don't want to waste the money i gave.
there's not much to blog about today.
no inspiration.
except the fact that both xinping and ruth were targeted by the guy from the puppetry thing.
but xinping didn't understand what the guy was trying to say and ruth stood up and became the "victim" instead.
laughed like crazy.
i learnt new things today!
listen. "johnny johnny johnny johnny woooo johnny wooo johnny johnny johnny johnny!"
muahahah, i finally understand how it works liao.
i'm inattentive, i know.
but i still can't figure out the horse thing.
"this is a horse, this is not a horse ... "
wahh peiru, teach me lehh!
Monday, January 29, 2007
{ 6:07 PM }
ohmy. miss tay made the whole class laugh today.
she said blank as brank.
and many many more mistakes on the few lessons before.
but its OKAY. people make mistakes every now and then.
hongzhang was ONCE AGAIN disturbing me throughout the whole
damned science lesson. call me la. just because i call you to make your phone vibrate.
i'd love to see how yaode would react if i suddenly called him ^^ evilness.
and hongzhang stares at people scary.
i think i called him one time, and he opened his eyes very big, very scary.
actually, i'd describe it as retard.
and and and, sheryl and i threw xinping's jacket over his head.
sorry xinping, but ruth made us do it!
and i drew a nice nice black line on hongzhang's shirt.
thankyou very much.
and thankyou sheryl for clapping just now.
not much to talk about for today's lessons.
english was quite fun, as usual.
miss ngiam looked sick and pale, but still as funny.
here's the funny part.
after the last bell rang, she said "i know you have a science test today"
"good luck for your science test everyone"
and we replied "good luck for your science test miss ngiam!" xD
science test sucked.
heng i think i got the last question part 1 correct.
asked around, and obviously, asked ruth la, she put Y.
and i put Y too(:
shaun(shaun) is trying to make me sponsor for nicholas's birthday and i'm not going, thanks ah =/
Sunday, January 28, 2007
{ 11:55 AM }
jacelyn's birthday was yesterday.
didn't post yesterday la, not my fault.
reach home super tired liao, don't know why.
met jiajun and matthew with liying to buy SOMEBODY'S present.
and to no avail.
sadly. went to lot one, saw gladys!
i went crazy again.
saw jacelyn eating sushi with her friends.
ohman. i want my swensens laaaaa.
and and and, gave her the piggy liying and i bought.
went around walking with gladys.
searching for SOMEBODY'S present again ^^
guess who? xD
then jacelyn came down, smuggled some food for matthew.
and he STILL went to long john's to eat ==
big appetite.
gladys left us):
joined the guys at long john's. chatted.
argued with jiajun over how easy BB badges are to earn.
and how difficult ours were.
*the only thing i can admit is that their lanyard is nice*
and what do they have to do to get their coporal?
kill a quail. literally twist their heads and kill them.
so evil.
cell was fun! we played the tempo game, whatever you call that.
of course, who did we sabo? BROTHER DA ZHI WEI.
know why? cos he sabo-ed us that time by doing the rhino action.
so we went *brother da zhi wei 8*
hahhaha, see?!?!?! we're pro.
made them do forfeit in the carpark, some indian dance thing.
peiru went to COS BT yesterday(:
waved like crazy at her when she walked into the main gate.
see la, how much our coporal means to us.
hehs. made new friends.
or whatever la. peiru's friends.
irvin, ronald and i didn't catch the name of the last guy.
service was okay.
sheryl, liying and jenise were behind though, since they came up late.
sermon was gooood.
cause sheryl wasn't there to draw on my book!
JOKING la. it was good.
had dinner, disturbed sean SHAUN. [pronounce as SEEN SHAUN please] cos too many shaun/sean/shawn(s) la, can't differentiate.
and peiru. and bryan/brian, once again, helped me finish up my food.
thanks lor. but i owe you no favour.
who call him be la ji tong =X
went home and talked to meiyee for awhile, cos she had to call liying too.
then of course, i went to sleep, AFTER doing my QT.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
{ 7:19 PM }
school was fun today.
prayer meeting only started at 7.15am.
all thanks to?
ah see la, talk talk talk! muahahahs.
went back to class, the usual pledge.
which our class said out super fast, which in turn caused us to get a scolding from Mr Tan K.S.
a.k.a grandfather story guy =/
went for DNT.
2 hours wasting our time away, when we could've been practising MATH.
discussed with my group, all guys except me la, thanks lor.
about what i wanted for my birthday present.
i said guinea pig.
and hongzhang said that i'm crazy.
and when i said it again, he heard it as MILLIPEDE.
in the end, i wanted ice cream.
haagen daz(:
however its spelt la.
i don't pay attention to those stuff.
they(hongzhang,zhenlin,weiting)complained that it was too expensive, and said that we'll go to swensens instead ==
cheapo, just cos can get something free.
so i decided to invite many many people along.
art was cool.
painted like mad women.
i think.
or rather, we painted mad women.
hmmm, science was, fun.
i taught sheryl kanan and kiri on the march.
and apparently she understood what i was talking about when i merely repeated what peiru said. so peiru's a good teacher lor(:
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
{ 8:10 PM }
i don't want to mull over drill today.
just let you know that yvonne makes me cry.
hahah, want know why?
cause she was telling us PERSONALLY who got out for drill com =/
she called me aside,
then she said "you know why i call you to come here?"
blahblahblah, and the rest you no need to know.
then she said "我耍你的啦."
thanks lor! xD
she wanted me to pretend sad.then gladys came over.she said "you must act as if you are very serious, then you calm yourself down"then i really cried la.fine lor jacelyn(: you were right to say that i cry easily. ahhahaha, fine then i don't want to say the rest liao. overall drill was okay.
cause i was having serious stomach ache ever since morning.
you know WHY!?
thanks. i was panting like crazy when we did hentak today la, especially when i was giving timing while doing hentak.
didn't do my lit homework.
didn't get scolded either =/
cause i did one part of it..
english was quite fun.
alot of synonyms mentioned.
funny ones.
math no homework! wahahahs.
science, er. er. er. er. no comments.
sian like what.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
{ 8:08 PM }
muahahahs, so there ARE new baos.
anyway, peiru came for prayer meeting this morning.
and when shunji came in, she went "KONG BA BAO!"
today was dumb.
had history test in the morning, almost first thing.
so horrible.
NEARLY fell asleep after scribbling all the answers with my almost-ugliest handwriting ever.
hand pain laaa.
but the dumbass bell RANG out of the blue and shocked me.
so i couldn't sleep.
thanks alot man.
PE was =/
i don't think you'll need more explanations.
english was so-so.
cause i was so tired, not cause miss ngiam is a horrible teacher or anything okay.
oh yeah, and when miss ngiam said that in the states, when people come to ask you for money, you pretend you don't know the ENGLISH they are speaking, cos we're asian and they don't know where we're from.
so hongzhang went "huh? tell them 'i don't know how to speak english' ah?"
yeah. laugh whatever you want. muahahaha
had some enrichment thingy.
and when we had a little time left, our group(jenise,liying,maggie,nurul and i)invited hongzhang to play chop chilli chop. yes, his very pro-ness in this game can kill, but who cares, its the fun thats important(:
math! got back our math test papers.
i mean really pass until quite okay lehh.
first time seh.
i can still remember in sec one, my math was =/
cannot make it.
so quite happy la.
happy until give luqman 10cents ==
he betted with me. so yupps.
actually wanted to go for remedial.
but every tuesday is my math tuition.
so can't help it la.
omg. mr tan is a totally cannot make it lecturer.
he talks to our class and our whole class is like o.o
the class motto thing was stupid.
hongzhang went "huh? circle the 'class motto as proposed' for the class motto ah?"
or something like that.
got the whole class laughing.
[and the guys clap like seals] yeah, random, but.
and of course, changyen/caibao is happy.
Monday, January 22, 2007
{ 4:56 PM }
and i understand why peiru says BAO DELIGHTS in her blog.
Jiajun: LEADER, char siew bao =/
Peiru: lian rong bao
Matthew: dou sa bao
Sheryl: rou bao
Shunji: kong ba bao
Darius: xiao long bao (don't think i don't know who you are just cos you're not from our school, MUAHAHA)
Jacelyn: ji rou bao
Liying: han bao bao(so far the best name =X)
Yvonne: yu tou bao
Me: the horrible-st cai bao(:
mr chin is SUPPOSEDLY da bao O.o
i love baos.
okay, that was quite pointless.
i don't love, LOVE baos.
but they're still edible, i guess.
ehh coporal christine ng peiru lian rong bao, my colour code is WHITE+PINK(:
no MAN TOU'S for me!
wheeeees, i'd rather have CAI BAO than MANTOU.
sheryl was saying that if we had toooooo many people, the rest will have to be called bao1, bao2, bao3 and so on.
and she says all BAO members must have sony ericsson phone by end this year.
no i will not(:
i'm aiming for nokia.
nokia typing easier =X
i have my eyes on 7373 and 7390.
but i can only get a new plan in june.
so i'll see what phone(s) come out then.
i don't even know the song.
muahaha, they can TEACH me(:
my feet can hardly wait.
i'd love to hear the others say "sergeant, my glasses are slipping off!", "sergeant, my nose itchy!", "sergeant, my LEG COLD!" (:
can't wait.
talked to meiyee loads yesterday.
basically i was the one talking alot, i think.
hahahahhaha. typical la(:
Sunday, January 21, 2007
{ 12:18 PM }
i'm back.
and i don't know what to blog about =/
i've been embarrassed by alot of questions i asked lately.
not my fault.
i'm just blur.
yes, and jacelyn tried to kill me.
cos i was late.
know why?
i was in town you see.
usually i'm not THAT late what):
*if we can get in ==*
and jacelyn, drill com is before enrollment laaa.
i think =/
ZHUWEI is weird.
hahaha, he calls me CAI YEN.
see la. see la.
ENZYMES pronounced as EN ZI MES
he says its my language.
when i obviously was joking, like duh.
if i don't know how to pronounce enzymes i'm a total idiot.
i'm evil, i know.
Friday, January 19, 2007
{ 10:17 PM }
you cannot imagine how many commands i forgot.
okay la, i think it was 2.
actually i don't think one of them was a command.
ah crap.
(i shall refrain from saying shit cos it made the whole sec2 contingent laugh while we were having drill practice)
sad, isn't it?
yaode came halfway, and i was facing him.
freaked out, literally.
and after closing parade he commented that my voice was trembling.
and i didn't sound like myself.
besides the part about being COS the rest was great.
she's SUPER funny.
when we were playing the water games, she didn't bring PE attire either.
so she couldn't play and we tied people's shoelaces together.
and she wore fiona's glasses.
then i told her to tuck in her shirt.
as in, really tuck in.
she started marching.
then i got my badges xD
badges badges badges.
and the secondary twos either have one more, or the same amount of badges as the secondary threes.
and we're proud of that, of course.
and to cut this short.
the day was OKAY. except the COS part =/
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
{ 8:10 PM }
lets not talk about schooool.
we shall talk about DRILL(:
*i see ruth freaking out*
it was SO short compared to the practices we had during the holidays.
lets see, drill competition practice almost every monday and wednesday(monday starting from february 12th)
so we practiced our long commands again =/
cause at least half of us forgot/not sure.
do this and a bit of marching then SEPERATE.
xinqi CSM teach me how to give commands for my COS duty this friday.
anyway, will still have to do one day.
i scared no standard then "throw face" in front of secondary ones.
i shall try! friday is parade liaos, and i've only officially practised ONCE today.
great, huh?
lalalas, we did marching and blahblahblahs.
RSM and WEIYAN and some guy were there looking.
then after that, we saw the band march.
very good, hor(:
that was sarcastic, if you haven't noticedafter DRILL(x we were called to say out our names for gladys to take attendance or something.
then we(jacelyn,jaslyn,feilicia and i)went to weiyan for some fancy drill stuff.
for enrollment ==
he said practices would be at church.
tentatively every saturday from 9am-12noon.
i'm happy okay.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
{ 4:13 PM }
a note to those e3 boys who stay outside the shutters during recess with me on duty-
stay outside lor.
if you stay, you shut up and don't touch the shutters.
and don't eat outside there.
if you don't listen to me, due to my temper, you're forcing me to raise my voice.
blahhs, being the dumb IC is stupid =/
everyday chasing people out of their classrooms and they probably hate me now.
but either don't do it, or do it good.
muahahas, i'm happy also lar.
the e1 people didn't give me trouble today!
usually they are so SLOW lor.
like seriously.
today it was fun chasing the secondary ones out(x
my junior saw me.
i didn't even think he knew me in primary school laaa!
but when i went to his class to chase people out(e4), he went "you from bukit timah one right?"
and he had the cheek to tell me he was doing maintenance duty.
i think yu run is super pissed off with me. i quarrelled with him cos his attitude really made me angry lor.the rest of the guys didn't bother to really agitate me, but he did.but WHO CARES.if he doesn't want to listen to my voice or see me, then don't go up lor.*fruit of the spirit comes to mind*
oh man, patience is one i seriously lack.
like a 3 out of 10.
cannot make it la.
i cannot be patient with these kind of people.
if they make me angry, then the volcano explodes.
although sometimes it may be the circumstances.
weiting was COMMENTING.*stares*he said he was SCARED cos i sounded fierce == okay, typical commenting from the guys la.he was maybe being sarcastic.i loveeeeee my math teacher.
now her lessons aren't so SIAN.
i find her lessons interesting.
and she's nice lor(:
and so is our english teacher.
we had GHOST STORY session today.
as requested from don't-know-who yesterday.
weiting said "yesterday one story, today one story."
heh, so we had two.
or was it three? o.o
i think the first few weren't scary.
hongzhang kept saying "lets go to the scary part."
when it was obviously supposed to be over.
the scariest one, i think was the one which she experienced personally.
don't talk about ghosts now.
she's a NICE teacher.
thats all =X
assembly was like ==
but singing the school song was fun-ny.
weiting, zhenlin and hongzhang were singing it SUPER loud when they know that the secondary ones don't know how to sing it and that the rest of the sec twos won't sing it.
and the emphasised "peace" as "piss".
so we were all laughing like mad when singing lor.
unfortunately, two people from e2 were indirectly sabo-ed by them.
LOL. i know i know. e3 is good(:
[heng one indian guy stand in front of me block me from teacher's view, if not i also cham]
stupid hongzhang again.
he said that in the handbook, GB was the last in the UG column.
muahaha, this is funny.sheryl said that hongzhang was trying to look at zhenlin's *sorry, not convenient to say*anyway, a couple of people DIO SCOLDING HOR.
and i don't know whether they did detention or not.
but still, all from our class =p
whees, tuition is at 5.
got to go lerrrr.
Monday, January 15, 2007
{ 10:29 PM }
if anyone is interested in buying handmade jewellery or such stuff, can link to the FIRST link below, if you have eyes to see.
then if you want to buy, TELL ME in person.
thank you VERY much(:
*oh yeah, CASH only. (oh shut up, i'm just crapping)don't be like ruth and draw fake cheques to Burhan(:wahahahahs. NO OFFENCE, seriously.
{ 4:03 PM }
i have decided to blog NOW.
i shall stop calling jiajun jie but kor instead.
becauseeee, if i call him jie, he'll call me di.
so embarrassing.
just came back from school.
whatever, i am back from school okay.
had prayer meeting in the morning.
dragged ruth up to MT1 cause i had NO ONE to talk to since sheryl wasn't there either.
then she went down, after listening to me chant the opening parade's commands over and over, and after we saw sheryl coming up the stairs.
then we officially started prayer meeting, AFTER sheryl went down to put her books, and
AFTER joseph came.
anyway, helped zhenyi give the experiencing God books to Liying to pass to Sean and Cherie, and of course, one for herself.
then Zhenke couldn't make it.
and hongzhang was late, so i was the only girl in YAODE'S group cause Zhenke is my leader.
felt SUPER extra lor.
ended when the bell rang.
liked the feeling of being around so many people lor.
haven't got that feeling for such a long time(:
blahblahblah, the usual.
then lessons.
literal bore.
chinese.. hmmm, since sagano high's students were there, my chinese teacher was also in charge of some sort of thing for their programme, we didn't have a proper chinese lesson.
its not like chinese lesson is fun or anything, anyway.
had math after recess.
quite okay la, but abit dry.
teacher seems nice, since she's our GB teacher in charge xD
super stupid.
ms punitha couldn't make it?? for our science lesson, so we played around in class while doing the work she gave, making fun of the TA's(yes yes, disturbing them with the noise) and saying the hairy cheer.
luqman was saying it cause i requested. its amazing how our class can make a proper food cheer until its, you get what i mean.
and there's another version.
its sick. i don't want to talk about it =X
muahahaha, my favourite lesson is english.
no, no mr lee khoon peng.
it was ms ngiam ^^
she's a nice teacher.
her voice is so "liang"
she makes the lesson enjoyable.
ohyeah, weiting was asking me to be the first one to stand up when she came in, cause she mentioned to them that i didn't go to school for a week, and wanted to see how i look like ==
but of course, i wasn't so dumb(:
we're having a 15 hours per week study hour thing.
and i don't usually study like, even 5 hours, oops.
homework only takes me 15minutes if its humanities.
if its science, i don't even bother doing it.
and if its math, i'll do, but spend time talking to my sec3-other-school-friend and asking him to "teach" me. hah, okay, i make sure i get above 70 for math this year! xD
blah, so this ends today's post.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
{ 2:24 PM }
okay, second post.
firstly, i would like to apologize to ruth for not being to school on friday.
i'm super sorry for letting you be the COS thing!
heard that you were very nervous.
i am sure i'd be nervous too.
so i'm sorry!
jiajun has officially become my jie, or as he would like me to call him, KOR =/
jie right?
so yeah.
and he asked me to join him and jacelyn for usher ministry.
i'm seriously wondering whether i should.
cos they would all say i'm joining for ==
its not lor.
i wouldn't care whether he's there or not.i'm praying about it already.
i feel so confused.
i will only do it for God, no one else.
i've decided(at long last)
i am going to give whatever i have to God, only.
forget about anything else.
they can come later.
i seriously am in need of help.
i want to join some ministry but i don't know what to join.
grr. hope God can guide me along this.
{ 1:19 PM }
just read sheryl's blog and i totally agree with her.
NCC land guys SUCK!!! (most of them la)
they are sooooo vulgar.
you know who i'm talking about.his name is JEREMY TAN YU TZIN.they made my meimei sad.
i've never seen him that depressed before.
i think its not in his nature to be depressed.
i've never heard him talk about depressing things before.
see? those NCC land guys are so retarded.
blahhs, especially that...
who cares la, he want to be like that, then its his problem.
SNL was great la, yesterday.
was back after a week of rest at home, and i felt so good being in church again.
sermon was goood.
besides the fact that sheryl was drawing all over my i-know-its-very-big notebook.
and i was replying =X
oops. but anyway, got the new book, experiencing God.
think i've seen the book somewhere before.
i think it was my father's or something.
got our black YI camp tee.
at last.
jacelyn and i had to settle for XS cos there weren't enough S's ==
blahs, bullied gladys straight after SNL was over.
hmph, who ask you come tickle me first(:
went around selling tickets for something for meiyee.
ohyeah, since jiajun was there, i asked him to buy.
he's NICE lor.
he bought the entire $10 derh!
and so is alvin jie!
brother rixiang, andrew, and some other guy from er, zealot.
weekiat is mean.
he didn't want to buy lor.
hmmm, and and!
zhuwei(: is calling me
CAI YEN.(its nothing to be proud of you know)
thanks lor.
but he also tried to help, but nevermind la, since he really couldn't.
and ken was nice too.
although he said he was more interested in PJC =/
WHEEES. i wanna do cafe!
i find it fun lor.
sell stuff!
and and!
i think chopping up watermelons was quite fun, afterall.
cafe ROCKS.
but its a every sunday thing.
must be able to commit la.
i very scared i half way don't want to do.
well, praying.
going out liao(:
will be seeing you guys in school tomorrow.
ohman, i want my badges --
Friday, January 12, 2007
{ 10:20 AM }
my BELOVED jacelyn posted up the pictures of her BADGES.
its OKAY.
i shall not be jealous for its a matter of time when i'll get my badges.
AND FYI for those who CALL me private, its OKAY cos you guys haven't got your chevrons yet either(:NEHNEHNIPOOPOO.
muahahaha, its a relief to know the other girls actually got their badges though.
means that i'll get mine too xD phew.
thought the badges would never come.
they always take ages to get to our haversack ==
i'm in charge of like so many things this year?
stupid laaaa.
yiwei and chanel both say that i have detention duty and am the whatever floor IC thing.
ARGH. can't believe my recesses will be ruined all by this dumb prefect thing.
its not like i want to be a prefect, if not for the CCA points =X
oops can?
chanel just sms-ed me.
she said she's wearing her full u today and i'm not there.
don't remind me.
there are ALOT of people who are wearing their full u today.
don't make me pissed.
and hor jacelyn, i want my badges):
don't make me so upset la.
its all cos of that STUPID 7 days MC.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
{ 11:40 AM }
wheees, i'm at home! (:
darn, GB girls getting their badges today, AND I CAN'T GO.
see why i'm so frustrated?!
rawr, when we got badges and can wear it with our (for once) NICE full-u, i can't go.
but ruth is standby miss weekly(for this week) xD
goooood luck lor!
tomorrow is BB day.
gosh, and I WON'T BE THERE.
angry angry.
now almost every morning i will get morning call from people lor.
but obviously, i won't wake up. cos my phone is on SILENT okay.
and i canNOT believe that i'm partnering alex(dettol thermometer/HL milk)for home econs.
plus plus, i am in the same group as weiting(?) and hongzhang in DNT.
can die.
see what happens when i'm not at school?
muahahah, at least i don't have to be miss weekly this week!
although i want to go for parade ==
i've just realised i'm watching spongebob squarepants.
can't get over the fact that the SECONDARY ONES FROM 10th COY GIRLS BRIGADE ARE GOING TO BE
LANCE COPORALS soon. bleaahh-ness =P
but i still see peiru laughing at me cos she's a coporal):
i'm bored.
and EVERYONE ELSE is at school.
cherie's coming over, well, not exactly, she's going to kranji mrt to "pick up" my mufti to wear tomorrow.
see la, she can go for parade.
wanted to go give it to her but she dowan ==
at least she will be able to go for first parade lor.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
{ 5:48 PM }
three words.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
{ 11:51 AM }
KAIROS! 2006 Christmas Bash at COS[BT]

see yingying? the one with the red pin in the front?
she's my LAOPO!(:
munkidd isn't here, was doing catering.
wahahahs, sad.
but the whole event was memorable<33
i LOVE them!
i'm still at home, yes.
cause i still have my medicine for today.
i hate swallowing pills.
they make me choke nearly half the time.
sheryl said that they had fun at school.
darn. the teachers always seem nice at first.
then they turn nasty.
now instead of everyone saying "call me janet", we're going to be saying "call me lala" =/
amusing, isn't it?
weiting lala isn't going for HMT anymore):
no 你们可以
wahahas, i don't mean it in a bad way, it makes us laugh.
later going back to school(after school ends la)to get the locker thingy.
or else no locker, my bag is going to be super heavy lor.
stupid, why must today, out of all days, especially when i'm going back to school tomorrow?
i think everyone in the class is going ALOW ALOW already.
the horror.
alright, enough rubbish, i'm going to take my medicine.
{ 11:47 AM }
just found a couple of very interesting photos.
well, thats only one, but the rest are nice, okay.

aww, don't they just look perrrfect together?
the one who gets all the lyrics of songs wrong, and the psycho one =/
weird combination.
i shan't post up the picture of kairos i got from sheryl's blog.
it'll look horrible with the picture one top, heh heh heh.
go see next post if you wanna see it.
Monday, January 08, 2007
{ 8:51 AM }
know why?
1. cause i can't go back to school when EVERYONE else is.
2. cause staying at home is BORING.
3. cause EVERYONE else is learning new stuff while i'm STUCK AT HOME.
4. cause i can't eat this and i can't eat that.
5. cause i need to sleep everytime i yawn.
6. cause i don't like coming online and seeing that there's NO ONE online at all.
7. cause i don't like staring at the tv or computer for countless hours, spoiling my eyes.
8. cause i can't GO TO SCHOOL WHEN WHEN WHEN, you get the drift, if you're sheryl, that is.
9. cause making me stay at home and not going to CHURCH is exceptionally weird on saturday's.
I DON'T LIKE BEING SICK LAAAAAAAAAAAAoh shut up and don't bug me.
i'll be back, i tell you.
i'll be back(:
blahblahblah, thanks you hongzhang, for TRYING, as you may, to give me morning call, but it isn't going to work. ask sheryl, i'm a heavy sleeper.
she shined a TORCH over my face and moved her hand over my face when i was sleeping and i still zzzzz, this is what she said la.
and not to mention, the picture.
yupps, he sms-ed me at 7.15am KNOWING that i am NOT going to school today.
don't ever.
WHEEEES, and i'm off to boredom again.
i miss you.and you think that i didn't care about what you did. it just appears that you don't give a damn.maybe it's just you don't feel the way i do. maybe it was all just a fairytale, all a once upon a time.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
{ 11:29 AM }
{ 11:00 AM }
i'm back from camp and i'm posting late, but who cares, really.
sheryl lost her YI camp tshirt.
cherie lost her rubber band.
and i don't know whether i've lost anything or not.
maybe its my brains.
the crazy camp chief kept going "hello hello" in the ah beng way.
and he kept saying "choices have" then we have to say "consequences"
ALSO, he said "i talk, you?" for us to reply "listen"
but some of us said talk anyway.
then he snatched our flag from luqman on the second day and demanded that we do something for him to return our flag to us. but we didn't and he returned it anyway.
and i wonder whats WAY out of line.
on the first day.
yes, sheryl saw cheryl the instructor.
same name. to make me feel weird when calling them right?
set up our tents, which were like, super gross? cause the ground sheets were very wet.
track pants made us feel gross.
very sweaty =/
had to change in our tents anyway.
but its OKAY.
only feel very insecure.
and we saw a centipede like say, 25cm long?
pure torture.
mud all over our already-worn-for-second-day track pants.
which were almost, ALMOST as smelly as weiting on the first day.
anyway, sheryl was staring at me when i woke up.
and she took pictures of me while i was sleeping ==
went for the climbing things early in the morning.
could've called it morning exercise.
found a earthworm, slug and caterpillar.
hongzhang went "lets play racing!"
stupid, i know.
and i nearly walked into a hanging-of-a-tree caterpillar.
had map orienteering.
zhenlin jiejie was made to run with us.
who ask him geography pro.
i couldn't absorb anything the guy was teaching us anyway.
ran around looking for the numbers.
apparently our group was the only one running, lor.
like so enthu until cannot liao.
chanel fell down.
she had cuts on her leg.
and she found out only after going to the toilet.
WHY? cos we were wearing track pants.
GETIT. track pants. grr.
and we got 11 numbers, compared to the other groups who got only single digits HEHHEH, my group is good.
after lunch, we had FLYING FOX AND ABSAILING.
ohman, those were the only two activities i actively participated in.
flying fox was.
beyond description.
when it was my turn, after helping the others land, i buckled on and went up the tower with chanel.
after her turn, and she didn't scream == , i was freaking out.
when the guy made me sit near the ledge, and made me hang my legs over it, i was ready to scream like nobody's business okay.
it was SO high up la.
and i'm a little afraid of heights.
then i went down.
screamed. (they said it was the loudest and sounded most pathetic one from our group ==)
when i "landed", hongzhang said to jeremy.
"you got see that look or not? once in a lifetime leh."
but it was the most fun, although the scariest too.
absailing was okay, scary to walk down without facing in front.
slight rope burn, but it was nothing.
HEAVEN, to shower.
showered with feilicia, or else we wouldn't even get to shower at all.
tried to sleep, but e1 people were SO noisy.
sheryl shouted "ji dan, diam la!"
and i shouted "can you keep quiet?"
but we couldn't get to sleep anyway.
so we kinda counter attacked.
it was already 12plus.
weiting and zhenlin meimei came into our tents to disturb us.
then came hongzhang.
and cherie, later on.
played games from 1am onwards.
try animal game, concentration, chop chilli chop etc with us.
guaranteed to make you go crazy, especially with hongzhang leading chop chilli chop.
wahh, cannot la.
he tried the first time.
cannot even make it to me.
second time, made it to me, but not zhenlin ==
it was k2 standard, btw, quoted from hongzhang.
THE ONE TIME WE COULD ACTUALLY MAKE IT ONE WHOLE ROUND from hongzhang, cherie, ruth, sheryl, me, zhenlin and weiting.
but we tried skipping to sec2 standard.
should have listened to hz huh?
"from k2 go to sec2 you sure not?"
he was horrible.
out to kill i tell you.
i cannot guarantee that the actions are correct, i couldn't even catch it.
"chop chilli chop chilli chop chop chop"action: twist on both fingers put on head."chop chilli chop chilli chop chop chop"action: twist on one finger, and one finger pointing upward put on head."chop chilli chop chilli chop chop chop"action: swop the actions over from the second one. so its twist on the finger with was pointing upward with one, and one finger pointing upward with the twist on finger one. if you can do it the first time, you're good.
were so noisy that the guys, who were obviously sleeping at the opposite side of the field, had to come over and tell us to keep quiet.
and we were laughing like, stomach ache la.
slept at about 3am.
was so high, but when the guys left, we fell asleep almost right away.
whees, no more horrible showering facilities.
went home early with feilicia.
felt as if got headache la.
but i think it wasn't so bad, had headache on the second day also, so nevermind lor.
went to see doctor.
YES, so you won't be seeing me in school for the next few days.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
{ 5:56 PM }
to be SUPER honest, first day of school was KIND of nice.
partly because we didn't have to do anything ==
and 2E3 2007's form teachers ARE:
mdm hariyati and mr tan (something something)
MR LEE KHOON PENG IS TEACHING 1E2! ):sadly, hahahaha, he's teaching us PE anyway.
BWAHAHAHA, the classroom seating arrangement is SUPER funny lor.
some people are even sitting at the same place they did last year.
and i'm sitting next to luqman at the first row from the left.
hongzhang and sheryl sitting together, second row from the left.
weiting is sitting with ruth, next to sheryl.
so that makes
KAIROS,KABOD,KAIROS,KABOD(:(sorry, i wanted to put blue, but i thought purple was nicer, for kabod, that is ^^)
blahhblahhblahh, we had a good time laughing like crazy about xiaojiji a.k.a weiyan cos he was very clever.
when we met up in GB classroom with the rest(in the morning la, i'm very disorganised), he came in and gave a "speech"
and he said that "we want to use this opportunity to -dunno what- so maybe you can go up to the sec1s and shake their hands and ask 'whats your name,
whats my name' -and so on-"absolutely,
CLEVER,CLEVER,CLEVER! lets see, we have LUCY KOE as one of our science teachers.
and denise said that she's super ==
get the idea, right?
ask questions, say get back to you tomorrow, then never at all that kind.anyway, sec3s went for OBS, but POOR peiru and jiajun can't go.
at least, they're the only few i know about.
then during recess sheryl talked to her junior.
and i saw a couple of my juniors too.
but i only recognised nigel and another girl(no idea whats her name, one of the prefects i think), cos he was quite "famous" in primary school.
going to PACK for camp tomorrow, so short post la):
i have a headache, and am quite dizzy, i don't want to go camp!!!
anywayanyway, MISS ME OKAY! xD
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
{ 6:59 PM }
amazing how the holidays have past so soon yeahs?
and i don't know why we have a dumb dumb camp on the second day of school when it reopens.
yes, and as ruth said, going back to school is priceless.
sounds like the MASTERCARD advertisement?
well i think it is, right? o.o
sucks to think that this year will be our streaming year.
i don't want to be separated with my xiaolaopo sheryl and my qingaide liying.
don't want!!
RAWR, went to watch charlotte's web today.
actually didn't really want to watch it at first, but my aunt's decision, so..
yupps, and when i saw the harry potter preview!
actually, it was sort of an advertisement.
i literally screamed.
then i sms-ed jacelyn,sheryl,peiru and liying.
jio them out to watch when it comes out.
then jacelyn went like, how ironic(she wants to watch charlottes web and i want to watch night at the museum, which she was going to watch maaarh!).
so stooopid):
but the movie nearly made me cry.
friendship can be so sacrificial at times.
and my mother claims that some friends are just fake on the outside.
sooo touching laaa.
but i held back my tears(:
or else later weiting say i'm a baby again, whole day cry ==lalalas, i think i'm going to be super nervous and panicky when i get back to school.
for me(and sheryl)to know, and you to(not)find out =p
this sucks. i don't want camp):
i just want to be with my e3 and jacelyn, not with the whole of the secondary 1 cohort..
i'm not anti social, okay.
i'm just not fond of some people from some classes.
but i shall love those who are UNLOVABLE(x
i don't like peiru.
she's mean.
i wished her happy birthday on 2nd january, 00:00:06am and she said i was second ==
what a bummer.
at least SOMEONE sings happy birthday to her. no one sings for me derh!blahhs.
i want her to sing to me!
lalalalalala! must hor must hor! ^^
wellwell, i don't want to talk liao, tomorrow school reopening lerhr!
scared but excited xD
Monday, January 01, 2007
{ 11:31 AM }
okay, its the new year for new beginnings.
2006 was basically a flop in school but a good growth in my relationship with God.
i'll throw away all the stupid rubbish that happened in 2006.
i'll remember my new year's resolutions, and MAKE THEM HAPPEN.
nono, God's strength and my effort.
cause if i don't do what i'm supposed to, it won't happen either.
if we don't take action, there'll be no result.
and i PROMISE PROMISE i'll study hard.
*crosses fingers*
plus, i definitely need to lose weight larhr!
either that, or grow taller.
and i mean 165cm, okay.
but i still think lose weight better.
many a times i feel as if i'm totally lost in school.
thats probably the reason why i am quite reluctant and at the same time want to go back to school.
whenever i see some people i just tend to run away, not literally, though.
whatever, i still have my XIAOLAOPO sheryl.
no matter upset or happy,
she makes my day(:
no matter what happens, i'll always smile, cause God makes me glad.
and so do my darlings.
no more tears! hearts hearts.
THE NEW YEAR SHALL HAVE NEW BEGINNINGS.for everything else thats unimportant, i'll just throw you/it aside, bleahhs.
AND I SHALL STUDY HARD, for the glory of His name(: